Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jack Slade Swaney - 8/27/08 - 8 lb 11 oz - 21"

After a two full days at Northside, Jack finally decided to make his grand entrance. The nurses broke my water Wednesday morning and the contractions kicked in. By the time I was dilated 4 cm, I had my epidural. Wow - what a wonder drug. Over the next few hours, I continued to dilate and then it was finally time to push. I had great pushing help from Steve, my sister, my mom, and Steve's mom - I don't think I would have made it without them! I pushed for 3 hours and our beautiful son arrived. The first thing we noticed was his big eyes - they still seem to be most outstanding feature. The cool thing is that I think you can really see a little of both of us in him. And, of course, we think he's perfect. Hee hee. He's 8 days old and things have been going really well. Papa Swaney has headed back to work, but I still have my parents ("Muzzy and Pop") to help me out over the next week or so. The last week has been crazy, but we've had so much love and prayers from so many friends and for that we feel extremely blessed - THANK YOU!!! Come visit :) I'm sure Jack would love to meet all of you.


oh so tiffany said...

You are amazing. Can't wait to come visit!

Gale said...

He looks sooo much like a Swaney! I can't wait to see him. Keep the pics coming. Much love to all!
Gale Howell Brown