Mom came in town last night and Dad is coming tonight. Whit, Pete and family will be here late Friday night and so will the Nashville clan. We're doing Jack's 1st birthday part at Jeff and Janet's pool Saturday afternoon and I can't believe we're actually going to have everyone together. It's really hard to make that happen these days, and I'm so excited about it. Sunday is Forester's Braves day and we've got almost 100 people coming out to support. So cool. I think it will be such a fun day for him. I still have a few extra tickets I've been holding on to, so let me know if you still have interest in going and I can try to work something out. Here's the t-shirt we'll all be wearing on Saturday.

Forester, overall, is doing pretty well. He's still getting chemo treatments every few weeks where he's in the hospital for about 4 days. He's also getting his blood counts tested frequently to check his platelet levels, etc. and sometimes that requires a transfusion and limited access to the rest of the world. His neuropathy and leg pain is pretty bad right now, so he struggles a lot with his walking. The prayers and sweet thoughts and gestures have been constant, though, so thank you for all of your support. God is good and there is a light at the end of this tunnel. It's just a very long tunnel for my sister and brother-in-law (and my parents) who are dealing with this daily. Time passes a lot faster when you're not spending each day with Forester. Please continue to pray for their strength through all of this. Pete is also struggling with a pinched nerve in his neck, which has created some extra stress. We're hoping this is better by the time they drive down here on Friday. Here's a new Bradburn family pic that I love.
Ok - there's always more I could update on, but I got to get my day started here. Jack has been taking "infant survival" swimming lessons each morning over the past four weeks. I know...crazy, huh? Call me overprotective. We just spend a lot of time around water so I figured it was worth it. He's learning to "roll and float", which basically means if he fell into water, he would know how to roll on to his back and float until someone sees him. Here's a pic of the torture :(
And one more, just for the cuteness factor. I can't believe he's already a year old. This was definitely the fastest year of my life.

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