Jack had a wonderful 1st birthday party, surrounded by all of our family, and graciously hosted at my brother-in-law's house (thank you Jeff & Janet). We got some great pictures, Jack was ridiculously spoiled with presents, and it was just nice to have almost all the family in one place. Fun times! Thank you everybody. Unfortunately, Jack doesn't look like his birthday picture today. He is down with a fever and he's pitiful. Won't eat, just wants to moan and snuggle. I'm loving the snuggle part, but I wish he could get some good sleep so he can start feeling better. We were supposed to go to Kangazoom for a 3 yr old's birthday party this AM, but we had to back out. Don't want to get any other kiddies sick.
I just started a new Beth Moore study at my mother-in-law's church - Believing God. I know a lot of you have taken this study already and I've heard such wonderful things about it. I've only been to the first week's session and done 2 days of the homework, but I am LOVING it. It's pretty crazy to think how quickly we can be arrogant about our own lives and start thinking that God can't make things better for us, or that he wouldn't want to. Our faith is what pleases him. There is nothing he can't do, and I need to remind myself of this daily. God has already blessed me in so many ways, and I'm choosing to trust in what he has planned for our family next.

Forester had a GREAT time at the big Braves day out. He got to meet some players and they signed a jersey for him and a glove. He even got to say "Play Ball" before the game started. Thank you to all the wonderful people that came out to support him and let him know how much we care about him. It was definitely a day none of us will forget. When Forester got home from that big weekend, he had his Sept chemo treatment and then had to have another transfusion this last week due to low blood counts. He still has two more chemo rounds (Oct and Nov) but he's holding up okay. The two main things to note are that his last MRI was clear and his hearing tests have all been perfect so far. PRAISE GOD!! His school teacher has been coming to the house a few days a week to keep him up to speed, and he's doing really well with that.

So, I am slowly becoming a self-taught graphic designer. SLOWLY is the key word. I could play with my design software for hours and not get sick of it, but I get really impatient when I can't figure out how to do what I want to do. However, I've got some great designer friends that are quick to help me with my questions, which is a huge help. Below is my first official design I've done for a friend's catering business. It ain't perfect, but it's a starting point. (Side note: This gal can really make some yummy stuff, if you're ever looking for a caterer. She rocks!)

Ok - I'm tired of typing :) HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND EVERYONE!!