Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jack is 7 weeks old!!

Jack is 7 weeks old today and he is such a joy! I really love being a mommy and I'm amazed at how much he changes every day - that part makes me sad. I wish he could stay 7 weeks old forever, but I know that each day he is even more wonderful than the day before. His latest accomplishment is smiling. He's starting to recognize faces and give big grins. So fun! He's also getting much longer as he continues to fill out. We made our first road trip together (just mommy and Jack) to Charleston to visit the Bradburns and Muzzy, Pop and Do Do. He was so good in the car. Here are a few more pics to enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I know what you mean! First smiles are the best!!
Gaby is 12 weeks old and I want her to stop growing! LOL Not really but you know what I mean.

He's adorable Katie, and kudos for the first roadtrip! You're brave going by yourself! Chris and I will fly to see my mom in Thanksgiving so we'll see how that'll go!