Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jack is 7 weeks old!!

Jack is 7 weeks old today and he is such a joy! I really love being a mommy and I'm amazed at how much he changes every day - that part makes me sad. I wish he could stay 7 weeks old forever, but I know that each day he is even more wonderful than the day before. His latest accomplishment is smiling. He's starting to recognize faces and give big grins. So fun! He's also getting much longer as he continues to fill out. We made our first road trip together (just mommy and Jack) to Charleston to visit the Bradburns and Muzzy, Pop and Do Do. He was so good in the car. Here are a few more pics to enjoy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jack Slade Swaney - 8/27/08 - 8 lb 11 oz - 21"

After a two full days at Northside, Jack finally decided to make his grand entrance. The nurses broke my water Wednesday morning and the contractions kicked in. By the time I was dilated 4 cm, I had my epidural. Wow - what a wonder drug. Over the next few hours, I continued to dilate and then it was finally time to push. I had great pushing help from Steve, my sister, my mom, and Steve's mom - I don't think I would have made it without them! I pushed for 3 hours and our beautiful son arrived. The first thing we noticed was his big eyes - they still seem to be most outstanding feature. The cool thing is that I think you can really see a little of both of us in him. And, of course, we think he's perfect. Hee hee. He's 8 days old and things have been going really well. Papa Swaney has headed back to work, but I still have my parents ("Muzzy and Pop") to help me out over the next week or so. The last week has been crazy, but we've had so much love and prayers from so many friends and for that we feel extremely blessed - THANK YOU!!! Come visit :) I'm sure Jack would love to meet all of you.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jack will be here soon!

Went to the doc this morning for the 39.5 week check up. He said my cervix was slightly softened and I was 1 cm dilated. He went ahead and "stripped the membranes" and now I am 2 cm dilated. The hope is that will jumpstart the labor process. Assuming nothing happens this weekend, though, I will check in to the hospital Monday night for an induction and they will start me on Cervadil and then the Petosin on Tuesday morning. Assuming all goes well, we should have Jack in our arms by Tuesday evening! We're so excited!! OH - and they did another ultrasound today to check the size - although his chubby cheeks are very prominent, they're still only estimating his size to be around 7.10 (give or take a lb). We'll see soon enough!! Thanks for all the love and prayers!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jack's 38 week check up

No news. No dilation. No thinning. I go back next Friday (8/22) to see if there has been any progress. If not, we'll discuss induction for the week of the 25th. The doc also wants to do an ultrasound to see how big Jack is. He said he feels big, but it also might just be that I have a lot of amniotic fluid. In the meantime, I'm just hoping I go into labor. I'd like to avoid induction if at all possible. Until next week...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Accepting the new due date....(sigh)

I don't think doctor's realize how traumatic it is to change the due date in the last month. Since my last ultrasound, we've been working towards a August 21st finish line....apparently that finish line is August 25th. The ultrasound office and the doctor office don't keep the same records, but what really matters is what the doctor has. I don't think they realize how hard it is to accept 4 extra days when you're at this stage in the game....not cool. Sooooooo, the check up was today (37 1/2 weeks) - the midwife said Jack still hasn't dropped - no thinning, no dilation. She said the aches at night (hands, feet, hips, etc) is all related to the increased blood flow and swelling. Her best advice was to take some Benadryl. I wanted to hit her. Until next week...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Jack's 37 week check up

I don't feel much different than last week, so I went in to the doctor's office expecting "no changes". That is exactly what I got, but somehow I'm still disappointed. I'm not sleeping at all and so the days seem to be dragging a little more each day. Doc said Jack is still "floating", which means he has not "dropped" into the birth canal. He's just not ready to come out. I'll try not to take it personally. In the mean time, the whole family is coming in town this weekend, so that will keep me distracted. Mom, Dad, Whit, Pete, Forester and Micah are all coming tonight. Forrest, Paris, Sam and Madison are coming tomorrow. Looks like Steve, Dad and Pete will golf tomorrow morning. I have a shower at 2pm on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jack's 36 week check up

Went to the doc today for the 36 week check up. This was the first time they checked to see if I'm dilated or "thinning" at all. So far, just a very slight opening and no thinning. I'll go back next Thursday (7/31) for the 37 week appt and they'll check again. Hoping for some action by then :) Otherwise, my blood pressure, iron, and weight were good. The midwife felt on my belly to guess Jack's size. She said he definitely feels big and she wouldn't be surprised if he ends up to be an 8 pounder - wow. We'll see. Mama Swaney went with me today - nice to have the company and share the excitement. Steve will go to next weeks appointment. In the meantime, I wrap up one last week of work and finish prepping things for Jack's arrival. Still need to pack the hospital bag and finish up some things in the nursery. I CAN'T WAIT FOR HIM TO GET HERE!!

Friday, April 25, 2008